How to Really Feel Your Feelings

"How to Really Feel Your Feelings" is an insightful eLearning course that guides you through the process of recognizing, understanding, and healthily expressing your emotions. It presents relatable scenarios, like navigating heartbreak, to illustrate common emotional avoidance tactics and healthier alternatives. The course is structured with clear, step-by-step guidance, including identifying emotions and feelings, exploring their physical and psychological manifestations, practicing self-compassion, and expressing feelings in constructive ways. This course is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to cultivate emotional awareness and resilience in everyday life.

**10 CEUs available for Yoga Professionals**

Please Note: This Course includes a 1:1 live Strategy Session 
What We Offer

What's included in this online course?

It's an exploration into mindfulness, cognitive reframing, and emotional enrichment. This course serves as an accessible, self-paced introduction to key psychological concepts and practical techniques for mental well-being. 

Study at your own pace

You can enroll in this course whenever you want, and study at your own time and pace.

Unique learning experience

In this course, you'll learn through a mix of themed activities, guided reflections, and practical exercises. This approach ensures a holistic learning experience, helping you integrate these practices into your daily life for lasting benefits. 

This Course includes a 1:1 live Strategy Session with Dr. Laura Weber Garrison.
Laura Weber Garrison, PhD, a Holistic Health Therapist with over twenty years in trauma resolution, holds a Doctorate in Holistic Health and certifications in yoga therapy. Renowned as a psychotherapist, coach, and author, Laura is also recognized for her engaging facilitation of international retreats. Her approach, blending professional expertise with a holistic perspective, promotes deep personal growth and healing, reflecting her commitment to the overall wellness and empowerment of her clients.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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